Children’s Ministry
Our children’s ministry focuses on providing children with the opportunity to build a foundation in faith while learning stories found in Scripture, truths about God’s love and grace and having fun with peers.
Our Nursery »
KUMC Nursery is open for children from birth to kindergarten, at 9:15 a.m. worship service (Covid19 Safety Guildelines are in place and being followed). Sunday School lessons along with crafts, if appropriate to the lesson, and seasonal crafts/activities. There are age appropriate toys and snacks provided (usually goldfish and apple juice). An infant room is available but find that babies are more content when they can see the bigger children.
Our Sunday School »
Sunday School:
Bible School lessons are taught along with crafts, activities and fellowship.
Grades Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th